Saturday, May 19, 2012


Grace: doing well, about 85%, hoping to finish school in the next week.

Annabelle: solitary confinement, first stall on the left (with extra boards added), Champion barn.

Buddy: down 7 pounds from chasing Annabelle.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dear Friends:

First, we again want to thank you for your concern and prayers for Grace and our family. You continue to encourage us on this road to Grace’s recovery.

Grace’s 17th birthday was Thursday, a much better birthday than #16 (which we spent at Mayo clinic.) She is doing well, about 85%, often tired (from chemo), but driving, going to “Bridges” school each week. We are thrilled with this!!! To think that just 4 months ago, Grace was not able to walk unassisted. Hallelujah!

Chemo treatment #6 is scheduled for Monday. Dr. Ness has said that we will take a break from chemo treatments after #6, hoping that as her immune system comes back, the “problem” will not come back. Dr. Ness is talking and listening to other professionals, but there is no set treatment plan for Grace’s situation.

So, we are praying for just that: as Grace’s immune system “comes back,” she will remain healthy and well. Thank you, dear friends, for praying with us.

This week’s conversations:
Grace: “Wait, are we keeping her???”
Wattsy: “I declare you are!” (after hauling a beautiful 20 month old black heifer from his farm in Sardis, and navigating through downtown Birmingham.)

and later…
Grace: “Thanks for getting me a cow.”
Me: “I didn’t get you a cow.”
Grace: “Well, thanks for letting me have a cow.”

and still later…
Ring ring.
Me: “Hello?”
Neighbor 1: “Are you missing a black cow?”
Me: “Yes, have you seen her?”
Neighbor: “Yes, she’s in my back yard.”
Neighbor: “Yes, I saw her cross the road.”
Neighbor: “Yes, she went down that hill.”
Neighbor: “Yes, I saw her on my way to work.”
Neighbor: “Yes, she headed up into the woods.”
Neighbor: “Yes, she was running down the road.”
Neighbor: “Yes, she was just here.”

Special thanks to Trussville Utility workers, Trussville police, Lance, Jeff, Joey, Jonathan, neighbors, and unknown passers-by who stopped to help us try to regain possession of our beautiful black heifer, who is still eluding us. This is for real, I assure you.

Call me if you see a black heifer. Better yet, just bring her home.

Lynn 🙂

“…for every animal of the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.” Psalm 50:10

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter, everyone!

Hope you have had a wonderful day of celebrating Jesus’ resurrection!

It’s been a beautiful day and a great week at the Champion house. Grace is doing pretty well, driving some, working on school. Next chemotherapy treatment (#5) will be tomorrow. Dr. Ness is wanting to see Grace 100%, hoping these next two treatments will take her there. We are praying that God, our healer, will provide complete healing! Thank you for praying for our Grace, thank you for caring about her, about us!

Today I was again reminded that so many of you are facing very difficult situations with health, family, work, life. God is giving us the grace we need to face each day. Thanks for the encouragement you give. I want to encourage you back… keep on loving, keep on praying, knowing that God is for us.

May you recognize God’s work around you this week and know that Easter is for YOU!

Lynn, aka Grace’s mom

“He is not here; He is risen, just as He said.” Matthew 28:6

Friday, March 30, 2012

…so Grace DROVE to school today.



Friday, March 9, 2012

Hi friends: Grace is still doing well, about 80 – 85%.  Been driving with Coach Partridge for driver’s ed this week, working on school, taking three graduation exams next couple days, out with friends tonight.  🙂  So thankful for  some “normal” teenage life… …

Next chemo treatment (#4 of probably 6) will be Tuesday (3/13) afternoon.  We are praying that God will continue to use these treatments to heal Grace completely.  Thank you for praying with us!  We so appreciate your encouragement, your concern for Grace and for us, your prayers on Grace’s behalf. 🙂


“…but as for me, I trust in You.”  Psalm 55:23b

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hi Friends:

Grace is enjoying another great week of walking and independence.  Walking is definitely UNDERrated.  We’ve seen a little improvement since last week’s chemo, probably back to 80%.  Grace chose to have the picc line removed, which makes life a little less “medical.”  Plans are to continue chemotherapy treatments once a month for another three months.  Plans sometimes change, we’ve found.  🙂

Been to school some this week, going well. Thank you for being overjoyed with us!!

Thank you for continuing to pray for complete healing for Grace.


“God is our Refuge and Strength;  an ever-present Help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with ther surging.”  Psalm 46:1-3

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hi Friends:

Grace has had three wonderful weeks of walking! We are so thankful for this relief for her. Hallelujah!!

Heading back to Children’s Hospital today for another treatment of chemotherapy. Can’t wait to see their faces when Grace walks in unassisted!! Truly caring, compassionate staff. 🙂

Grace is probably about 70% right now, down from about 80% last week (which is so much better than 35%.) We are hopeful that this next chemo will boost her even more, on the way to complete healing.

Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and excitement over Grace’s walking! Small victories…

Also, please add sweet 4 year old Avery Snuggs from our church to your prayer list, diagnosed with leukemia this past week, parents Chris & Kim, two sisters.


“Bless the Lord, O my soul, bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me bless His holy Name.”

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Grace has had a wonderful week of WALKING like a well person!!

Grace still has some balance issues, tremor and eye movements are still evident as before.  She will have another chemo treatment in a couple weeks, and we pray it will continue to be effective.  Got some more school work accomplished this week!

Throwing hay to the horses, (sort of) running down the hall, taking a shower, not staying where you were “put”, fetching your own misfired arrows, walking the dog, recognizing God’s hand in your life, leaving the wheelchair at home……  priceless.

We believe that God is our healer.  We are thankful for His favor in Grace’s life, the blessing of her continued healing.

Thank you for praying and celebrating with us!!   Hallelujah!!


“… pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”  James 5:16

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good news, dear friends!

Grace is walking with very little assistance, and even took some steps on her own tonight!!  We are so excited about this, as summer was the last time she was able to walk on her own.


We aren’t sure what this means long term, but are thankful for some relief for Grace.  Will post again as the week goes along.  Hoping to hold steady and maybe even see more progress.

Thank you for praying with us for Grace’s complete healing!  Go God!

Our hearts go out to those down the road from us dealing with loss from Monday morning’s tornadoes.

Lynn 🙂

“…I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting:  ‘Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God…'”  Revelation 19:1 (Grace’s choice of verse.)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Grace seems to have tolerated the chemo well, meds helped, slept for about a day. We are thankful for an easier time this round.

Taking the week off from school, sisters home this weekend, praying for effective chemo.
